English First term


Classroom agreements

To download or read the classroom agreements of 2024, click here

Timeline (22nd February) :

1. Use date format (year or specific date when you are talking about a special date). Do not forget the ordinal numbers when you write your specific dates.
2. Write the sentences in past simple. Do not forget the structure.
3. Describe some actions that you used to do in your childhood (routines).
4. Included events are important and interesting. 
5. The timeline contains at least 15 events related to your childhood (birth, important events, your childhood expectations and dreams).
6. Events are placed in proper order.
7. Use photos or images related to the events. You can draw your own pictures or paste some pics.
8. Correct punctuation, spelling and capitalization. 

Recipe (7th or 8th March according to schedule):

Pictionary (14th March)

Create a pictionary about the physical and mood adjectives.

  • You can draw or paste some images related with each adjective.
  • Make a creative cover with your personal data.
  • Use 10 adjectives of physical description, 10 more about mood adjectives and 10 more related to food (tastes, flavours, etc.).
  • Write a sentence using the words.

More information about the numbers, click here.
(Woodward English, 2017)

(what5.files, n.d.)

The following video is an explanation about the past simple, but it's in Spanish (this is just to reinforce the explanation).

If you don't know how to create a timeline, you should watch this video (It's in Spanish)

The following picture is an example about the timeline (Social Networks)

(Venngage, n.d.)

(Ratm, 2014)

(Ratm, 2014)

of sequence

If you want to learn more about the adverbs of sequence, you should watch this video:

If you need more information about the cooking vocabulary (cooking instructions) you can find it here

If you need more information about adverbs of sequence, you can find an example here 

Information about appearance, here.

Information about mood adjectives, here.

Colorful Timeline Infographic. (n.d.). Venngage. Retrieved February 1, 2024, from https://fr.venngage.com/templates/infographics/colorful-timeline-c38a9d92-774b-4505-93f4-ce5b1266dfa9

Ratm, F. (2014, July 8). Used To en inglés: gramática y ejemplos. Aprender Inglés Rápido y Fácil. https://www.aprenderinglesrapidoyfacil.com/2014/07/08/explicacion-sobre-used-to-en-ingles-soler/

Woodward English. (2017, January 17). How to say the DATE in English Woodward English. Woodward English – Learning English - Teaching English; Woodward English. https://www.woodwardenglish.com/lesson/how-to-say-the-date-in-english/


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